
Vole and Troll by Iza Trapani zoom in


Vole and Troll by Iza Trapani

$15.99 $5.99

Loosely based on The Three Billy Goats Gruff, this sweet, funny tale introduces two loveable characters who just can't get along - until they start singing.

Troll-dee-roll, I'm a troll, and my favorite food is vole.

Meet mischievous Vole and grouchy old Troll, the newest characters by best selling author / illustrator Iza Trapani. Vole wants to cross the bridge to where the literal and proverbial grass is greener, but grumpy old Troll lives under the bridge and offers two options: pay the toll or eat Vole. Vole outwits Troll three times by distracting him with clever, interactive songs (which will be quite familiar to young children and caregivers). But in the end, the pair lays aside their differences and embraces their common love of music.

  • Hardcover
  • Illustrated
  • 32 pages
  • Dimensions: 9.6"H x 8.4"W

ISBN: 9781580898850

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